Children’s Programs
Please join us!
Sunday School: Children's Sunday school is offered weekly at 10:00am in the Family Life Center for potty-trained preschoolers ages 3 and 4 (downstairs) and all elementary age children K5 - 5th grade (upstairs).
School Year Programming:
Sunday Nights: 5-6:00pm - We offer Sunday Night Programming - Memorial’s Kids - during the school year for Elementary kids (including 4K preschoolers). Mission Kids follows the Greenville County Schools calendar.
Special Events:
Easter Egg Hunt
Our Easter Egg Hunt is held on a Saturday close to Easter and all are invited to join us for fun and fellowship as we celebrate the season with crafts, snacks, egg hunt, a story and more! More information on the exact date will be posted on our website’s home page.
Fall Festival
Our Fall Festival is the Sunday night closest to Halloween and all are invited to join us for fun and fellowship as we celebrate the season with Trunk or Treating, carnival games and more! More information on the exact date will be posted on our website’s home page.

Summer Programming:
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School typically kicks off on a Sunday in June and runs through Thursday evening. We hope you will look for more information in the spring, invite your neighbors and friends and plan to join us! More information on the exact dates will be posted on our website’s home page.