Adult Programs
In addition to Sunday school, there are a number of other opportunities for Christian education for adults. These include:
Various Adult Studies – held on Sunday evenings during the school year, led by the pastor or by members of the congregation.
United Women In Faith
Memorial United Methodist Women are a community of women whose purpose is to know God better. We develop a creative, supportive fellowship through three circles which meet once a month.
Afternoon & Lydia Fellowship Circle: Second Monday – 1:30 p.m.
Magnolia Circle: Third Thursday – 6:00 p.m.
Four times a year our circles combine for joint meetings and missions fundraisers. A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial is held in the winter, a luncheon takes place in the spring, a covered dish meeting is held in the fall, and a Christmas Coffee is held in December at which our officers are installed.
Our United Methodist Women support four Methodist Homes in South Carolina as well as local missions. Our circles take care of shut-ins by sending cards, visiting, and providing gifts on various occasions. We are part of a global ministry of one million women who commit close to $20 million to missions each year.
Members of the circles and the other women of the church prepare meals for the bereaved.
Family Ministries
Family Ministries offers opportunities for fellowship and Intentional Faith Development. Offerings vary from year to year but typically include:
Church Cookouts
Ice Cream Socials
Fall Festival
JOY Ministries
The JOY(Just Older Youth) is a group of Men and Women that are over 50 years young! They have lots of events and trips that you don’t want to miss. JOY invites you to come and bring your friends to join in on the fun each month.
Recreation Ministries
We offer leisure activities for fun and fellowship that include:
Basketball for children, youth and men