“Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I Learn”
About CEP
The: Child Enrichment Program at Memorial United Methodist Church offers:
A faith-based childcare and Preschool curriculum for children ages Infant through K-4.
An After-school Program for K-5 through 5th grade.
Summer Day Camp for Elementary aged children.
Our mission is to reach out to all families of Memorial United Methodist Church as well as children in the community. We pray for each child who comes to us and do our best to foster independence, social growth, and the development of his or her own unique God-given talents and abilities.
We teach the importance of treating others as they want to be treated…as God would want us to treat others. Children’s time at CEP is spent in the environment of love, safety, and security. Preschoolers are guided through a structured day of Arts and Crafts, Music, Outdoor play, and Bible Stories. In addition, our CEP 3’s and 4’s participate in P.E. and Music classes at least twice a month with a certified instructors. All classes attend Chapel with our Pastor.
CEP follows a modified Greenville County School District Calendar.
Children are assigned to classrooms based on their age as of September 1st.
SC DHEC Immunization Record is required for attendance. No exemptions will accepted.
CEP OFFICE: (864)801-1110 elizabeth@memorialgreer.com