Registration Information

It’s almost time to register for the 2025-2026 school year!  Children will be placed in classes based on their age as of September 1, 2025. All children must have an updated South Carolina certificate of immunization by the first day of school. Immunizations must also be updated regularly according to the SC Immunization Schedule. For the health and safety of our children, we do not accept religious exemption statements in place of immunization certificate.

Registration is open to current CEP families first, Memorial church members next and then to the public. We keep a waiting list through the year to give priority once registration opens to the public. The wait list is refreshed every August.

Both registration forms and payment of the registration fee ($200) is required to hold a spot. No early paperwork accepted.

Memorial CEP Families January 13- January 17

Memorial Church Families - January 20th - 24th

Open to the public - January 27

Click here to download the 2025-2026 Child Enrichment Pre-School Program Registration Form